Help others this holiday season by donating, volunteering

Holiday giving

Hope and help are two things you can give this holiday season that don’t cost you anything. I heard a motivational speaker once who talked about offering the people you see each day a kind word or smile. Referencing the Bible verse, Ephesians 4:29, “Let only good communication come out of your mouth, that which is encouraging,” the speaker said it is like giving a present. It takes no time at all to tell someone that you appreciate them. It costs no money at all to smile at a stranger and say. “hello”. It may be just the one small thing that turns their day from bad to good.

Did you know there are health benefits you’ll experience from being kind to others? Helping other people feels good. It creates a sense of belonging and reduces isolation and depression. One act of kindness can lead to another. You can learn more about the health benefits of kindness at Eighty-two percent of Realtors donate money to charitable causes every year, compared to the national average of 56.6% of Americans who do so, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors®.

The REALTORS® Relief Foundation (RRF) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing housing-related assistance to victims of disasters. Created as a REALTORS®-driven response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, RRF continues to restore and rebuild communities affected by disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes thanks to the generosity of individual Realtors, Realtor associations and affiliated organizations. Together, through the RRF, Realtors have helped more than 17,000 families remain in their homes. Locally, our Lynchburg Association of Realtors sponsors a Community Outreach committee that works all year long raising money to donate to local families and organizations.

Think of what you can do.

Ways to give back to your community

»Donate unwanted items

»Save up your change

»Donate your time

»Volunteer your unique skills

»Give blood

»Ask for a donation gift

»Participate in a community cleanup

»Promote causes on social media

There are countless organizations where you can give your time, talent and money to help others. The Salvation Army, Lynchburg Daily Bread and Habitat for Humanity are three good ones. You can find one where you’ll enjoy volunteering by checking

If you really don’t know where to help out, then call your Realtor because he or she knows our community well and can tell you about where he or she donate their time and money. For me, it is the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center. This is a nonprofit that offers free services to people experiencing an unexpected pregnancy.